    • 신원 조회 - 토론토 경찰청

      날짜 : 2011. 04. 27  글쓴이 : Joosarang

      조회수 : 8323
      추천 : 0

      • http://www.torontopolice.on.ca/recordsmanagement/clearance.php 

        신청서 다운받기 - (form.clearance.pdf )


        Toronto Police is pleased to introduce a new online Clearance Letter application.  The new application provides you with an easy and more convenient way of requesting a Clearance Letter.

        A Clearance Letter is a formal document issued by the Toronto Police Service and produced on secured paper indicating that the subject applicant of the Clearance Letter has no criminal convictions in the National Repository of Criminal Records maintained by the RCMP.  With our new online program you can request a clearance letter at your convenience.

        A Clearance Letter is not suitable for individuals being employed and/or volunteering with vulnerable persons*. A more comprehensive process in available through the Police Reference Check Program. Further information is available on our web-site under the link "Police Reference Check Program".
        * Vulnerable person means a person who, because of their age, a disability, or other circumstances, whether temporary or permanent, are (a) in a position of dependence on others or (b) are otherwise at a greater risk than the general population of being harmed by person(s) in a position of authority or trust to them.

        Are you eligible?

        If you have charges at present before the courts, you may still be eligible for a Clearance Letter; however, your letter will state “before the courts”.

        A recent RCMP national broadcast has directed all Police Services that fingerprints be required for positive identification before criminal records are released. Therefore, should any criminal history about you be on file, your application will be returned back to you. It will then be necessary for you to have your fingerprints taken as a confirmation of identification. To do this, please attend one of the various private RCMP accredited fingerprinting agencies listed in your local telephone book or on-line under fingerprinting services. When you have received your confirmation of your identity back from RCMP, please attach it to your application and return to Toronto Police Service, 40 College St. Toronto, Ontario.

        Further information on the new RCMP CPIC policy is available on their web-site www.cpic-cipc.ca. Information regarding the RCMP’s Civil Fingerprinting Services can be found at http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/cr-cj/fing-empr-eng.htm

        If you require fingerprints a further confirmation of identification, for the purposes of immigration or any other civil matter, please attend one of the various private R.C.M.P. accredited fingerprinting agencies listed in your local telephone book, or on-line under fingerprinting services.

        NOTE: The Toronto Police Service does not take fingerprints for civil purposes (e.g. visas, immigration, etc.) and is not affiliated with any private fingerprinting agency.


        How to apply for a Clearance Letter

        What you need

        Two pieces of government issued identification are required, one of which must contain a photograph and signature. One must include your name and date of birth

        Click here to view suitable forms of Identification.

        Payment options

        The processing fee is CA$28.25 (taxes included), which can be paid by Visa or MasterCard for internet applications or by Visa, MasterCard, Interact or cash for in-person applications.

        The processing fee is NON-REFUNDABLE.

        Request Options

        Online: By selecting this method, you can choose to pick-up your completed letter from one of our designated locations:


        For verification, the same two pieces of identification you indicated on your application must be presented at time of pick-up.
        Note: a Clearance Letter will be ready for pick-up within a short time frame.

        In person: Simply print and fill out the following Criminal Record Search Form then bring it, along with two pieces of identification, to police headquarters, 40 College Street, Toronto between the hours of 7:15 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday to Friday (excluding holidays). 

        Authorized person (third party): You may authorize a third party to place a request on your behalf. The authorized third party must present two pieces of your identification, an authorization letter from you and one piece of personal identification, to police headquarters, 40 College Street, Toronto, between the hours of 7:15 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday to Friday (excluding holidays).

        A Clearance Letter does not satisfy the needs of the social agencies (e.g. Big Brothers, Scouts Canada, and Toronto Parks & Recreation etc.) that have entered into a memorandum of understanding with the Toronto Police Service for the purpose of a police reference check.  For further information regarding this type of check, please go to the Police Reference Check Program link. It is also not accepted by the National Parole Board or the Ministry of Government Services for the purpose of obtaining a pardon or name change. Individuals requiring a record check for this purpose must submit the necessary documentation.  For further information contact our information line at 416-808-7991.

        If you have any questions about Clearance Letters, please contact the Clearance Letter and Criminal Check office 416-808-7991.  

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